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Dec 15, 2019

Mindy climbed out of the Skype window like the girl from the ring and recorded an episode with us in the flesh

Dec 11, 2019

Geoffrey Gauchet (The Blurst of Times) came by to immediately  get absolutely covered in beer

Dec 3, 2019

The first 45 minutes are with the inimitable Kate Willett (Reply Guys, Netflix, Comedy Central) and the rest is just yer humble hosts hangin out because we refuse to release an episode that isn't 100 years long because we believe in the parasocial safety net

Nov 26, 2019

We invited our friend Rebekah over so she could dunk on us for ninety minutes straight

Nov 18, 2019

We talked to mechanical engineering professor and future enthusiast Ashley Guy about the utopian and dystopian possibilities of cutting edge tech